Day 34 – Belgrade to Vinci
It was a lot of traffic to get out of Belgrade, they even send you over a highway, all official.
Then plenty of roads away from the Danube. After 100kmni took a ferry to the right riverside. Now there I S interesting landscape again, a pleasure meeting too ride.
Around 19h I looked for a place for wild camping. In the town of Vinci I started to ask people if I could put my tent in their garden. After the second he said yes, really great view of the lake here. His wife speaks English quite good. I was about to open the tent when they said I could sleep on a little bed in the room. under their apartment. And then they even prepared some dinner, lovely people. Even I didn’t drink alcohol in 3 months I was in no position to deny the Schluboviz (correct wording?) some strong liquor. Had a nice chat in the garden with coffee and sweets.
ps: I remind them of her son which was certainly helping me getting this nice invitation 🙂